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Being A Human In a Technical World is both rewarding and not that difficult, explains Karine Leblanc
“Get feedback, whether good or bad. Don’t scold people for being bold or being brave. All those kinds of characteristics in people can be the tools and the assets you…
Lee Smith sums it up: Support your team, give clear instructions, allow people to wander down alternative ways
“Get feedback, whether good or bad. Don’t scold people for being bold or being brave. All those kinds of characteristics in people can be the tools and the assets you…
John confirms the path to leadership passes from not taking the shortcuts
“My opinion of a good leader is someone who listens, evaluates, and decides and executes.”
Ethical management and Embracing Change: Sara Alviz looks to the future of HVAC
“…we each have the opportunity to identify how we want to grow as individuals…”
What does it take to become a leader? Jennifer´s story about stepping atop the ladder while also having fun
“…I knew that if I worked hard, I could be successful, and I set my career goal to be a leader of one of our districts.”
How to find your voice through HVACR? Meet Colleen, the vice president of WHVACR
“…I have met some amazing women in my life, and men too actually, that have become my mentors”
Discover the arts behind the trade. This is Renee Joseph’s story
“…take those risks. What is the worst that can happen?… You may not get selected for a key project but you tried. Just pull yourself out there!”
A living proof. The HVAC trade is not just for men. Meet Sarah
“if you truly believe in yourself, no one can take away your passions, no matter how many no’s you get.”
Meet Lauren, a strong link in a big chain of support for women in HVACR
“At WHVACR we have a nice support network for women to give them the resources they need.”
From the former Soviet Union, Olga is a tough worker and a loving mother in the trade.
“Work doesn’t have to be that thing which fills all the empty spaces. You have to focus”
She is one of the very few female air-conditioning engineers in Irish history. Meet Ruth Gill
“…To the females undecided about the trade… go for it!… If you think physically that’s gonna be a barrier, it’s not…”
Self-trust can change the 45/1 ratio of male to female among HVAC workers
“…You kind of question yourself and you even doubt yourself because the gender ratio is so skewed in one direction…”