Despite the great challenge represented by the COVID-19, we must assume the positive aspects of the new normality
Reading Time: 5 minutes “if I have managed to get positive things out of all this… I feel like in the end humanity still has hope.”
Reading Time: 5 minutes “if I have managed to get positive things out of all this… I feel like in the end humanity still has hope.”
Reading Time: 3 minutes “I have witnessed how projects that were already scheduled are now pushed forward, to prepare for future outbreaks. I haven’t stopped but many of my friends aren’t so lucky.”
Reading Time: 3 minutes “…Our main clients are hotels. Without the tourism industry, we have nothing right now. We are trying to stay afloat with the technical services we had already contracted…”
Reading Time: 3 minutes “What comes after this is quite uncertain. I believe that we are not going to return to the previous normality, and it is up to us to reinvent ourselves.”